Strategic Information and Research Development Centre (SIRD)

The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) happens to be one of the oldest and biggest political parties in Malaysia today, though not as well-known as the...
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The development of Islamic civilisation in the various regions of the world was, and is, a complex process which has attracted the attention of many...
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"I live in a world where every human right has been denied to me and my people ... But surviving a tragedy is not living. Living means having a purpose,...
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This is a study of the Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM), the first Malay political party, established in 1938 and led by Ibrahim Yaacob. KMM is often regarded as...
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Kompilasi baru ini mengandungi sepilihan esei-esei provokatif dan polemik karya Faisal Tehrani. Antara tumpuannya termasuk agama, sastera, sejarah dan...
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Buku kecil ini ialah mengenai satu perkara yang besar – Raja-raja Melayu. Terdapat sembilan orang Raja, terdiri daripada tujuh Sultan, seorang Raja dan...
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Malay Kingship in Kedah: Religion, Trade, and Society probes and examines traditional sources of royal power and control, as well as indigenous...
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Persoalan kepimpinan sesungguhnya asasi bagi kemajuan sesebuah masyarakat. Justeru, konsepsinya apa itu keperwiraan atau heroic adalah signifikan, dalam...
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Islam pernah menjadi peradaban teragung di dunia. Salah satu punca keagungan itu ialah kemampuan penganutnya menghasilkan sumbangan ilmu yang besar. Ini...
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A pioneering, provocative study of Malay political thought on the eve of colonial rule – based on both Malay and European source materials, and addressing...
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'Di rantau Indonesia, nama TJOKROAMINOTO, atau nama penuhnya Haji Umar Said Tjokroaminoto (1882-1934), sudah tidak asing lagi. Tokoh kelahiran Bakur,...
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Islam dan Sosialisme, yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1976 sebagai Islam dan Sosialisma, ditulis oleh Profesor Dr Syed Hussein Alatas, pakar sosiologi Malaysia...
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