‘TIDAK’ seringkali menjadi perkataan yang sangat sukar untuk diungkapkan. Namun, pada hakikatnya, perkataan ini sangat adalah satu perkataan yang sangat...
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Corruption is a disease that can sweep through a society like a tidal wave, leaving in its wake a trail of negligence, lethargy, inefficiency and callous...
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… the ignorance of all Europeans in the colony concerning their near neighbours in the Malay Peninsula almost passes belief. …...
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Minimum quantity for "The Real Malay" is 1.

“Cahaya mentari yang bersinar pada hari ini adalah cahaya yang sama bersinar pada hari ayah kita dilahirkan, dan akan tetap bersinar apabila keturunan...
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This work will, we are convinced, reach two groups in the present culture and affect them profoundly. One, the personal seeker who wishes to learn the true...
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Minimum quantity for "The Seals of Wisdom Ibn 'Arabi" is 1.

Hajj is one of the pillars and foundations of Islam, the act of worship of a lifetime, the seal of all that is commanded, the perfection of Islam and...
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We often pretend to be happy and put on a brave face for the world despite carrying the pain of enduring a personal struggle or adversity. When we are...
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In the spring of 1922, twenty-one year old Leopold Weiss received a letter from his uncle Dorian to come and live in his “delightful old Arab stone house”...
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Buku-buku kewangan yang ada pada masa kini banyak mengajar pembaca supaya berjimat cermat, menabung, meningkatkan pelaburan, bersara awal, dan...
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Tiga Catatan Perjalanan mengandungi 75 buah puisi yang terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian iaitu sembilan puisi dalam catatan III. Kumpulan puisi ini diberi kata...
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Imam al-Ghazali – sebagaimana yang dapat dilihat melalui karya-karya beliau – merupakan salah seorang tokoh prolifik yang sangat dikenali dengan...
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Hassan sat down next to his mom and dad as he stared vacantly at the grave. He felt numb. His other siblings were behind him, sobbing quietly. The imam...
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