Items marked by the "Malaysian Classics" tag:


The author wrote in his opening chapter: The keris is undoubtedly the distinctive Malay weapon. It is necessary however, to define a keris. It is...

Minimum quantity for "11. Keris and Other Malay Weapons" is 1.

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This book is not only a history of the Malay language, but a comprehensive step-by-step guide on learning the tongue in 40 lessons from the very basic to an...

Minimum quantity for "16. A Manual of the Malay Language" is 1.

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On the scene of Johore history there are six principal actors: the Malays, the Portuguese, the Achinese, the Dutch, the Bugis and the English, overlapping...

Minimum quantity for "17. A History of Johore" is 1.

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Pahang, the largest of the Malay States, has an area 14,000 square miles with a long sea-board on the China Sea. It is bounded on the north by Trengganu...

Minimum quantity for "18. A History of Pahang" is 1.

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This is where it all began: the first British Resident in a Malay state, his murder, the enforced protection and the eventual capitulation to the Brits. And...

Minimum quantity for "19. A History of Perak" is 1.

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In their wild state, a Malay once informed me, these women vampires are exceedingly fond of fish, and once and again may be seen "sitting in crowds on the...

Minimum quantity for "7. Malay Magic" is 1.

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