Surat yang dikirimkan sekitar awal abad ke-20 oleh seorang pemuda kepada Rainer Maria Rilke, penyair agung dari Jerman, telah melahirkan buku ini - salah...
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Di surat-surat dari maninjau ada cinta yang utuh, impian yang terpaksi dan kejujuran yang menjahit segala wacana. Sesiapa sahaja boleh temui dirinya di...

Minimum quantity for "SURAT-SURAT DARI MANINJAU- HAFIZUL FAIZ" is 1.

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"I live in a world where every human right has been denied to me and my people ... But surviving a tragedy is not living. Living means having a purpose,...
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“The best people are those of my generation, and then those who will come after them …” – ( Sahīh al-Bukhārī  and  Sahīh Muslim )...
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When was the last time you really poured your feelings out to Allah? We have been taught that the only time we can communicate with Allah is when we...
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Ramai manusia yang diperdayakan oleh cahaya samar kerana dia dalam gelap. Perasaannya didahulukan daripada pertimbangannya. Dia datang kepada cahaya...
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Kesultanan Melayu Melaka seringkali menjadi bahan polemik apabila sejarahnya dibangkitkan dan dinukilkan. TAS akan membawa pembaca menelusuri himpunan...

Minimum quantity for "Tasjil Anis Salatan" is 1.

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Karya terjemahan ini merujuk kepada salah satu bahagian penting dalam Kitāb Matn al-Ghāyah wa al-Taqrīb, iaitu bahagian Kitāb al-Buyūʿ (Kitab Jual-Beli)...
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Terusir bercerita tentang seorang perempuan bernama Mariah. Hidup Mariah hancur apabila fitnah melanda rumahtangganya hingga suami sendiri mengusir keluar...

Minimum quantity for "Terusir - Hamka" is 1.

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Do you feel overwhelmed right now with all the pressure and uncertainties of life? Does  the thought of your past failures, failed relationships,...
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Do you feel overwhelmed right now with all the pressures and uncertainties of life? Does the thought of your past failures, failed relationships and...
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Pernahkah kita… Melabur masa terhadap perkara yang memang diketahui tidak berbaloi? Membazir banyak wang dalam jualan lelong di eBay?...
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The development of Islamic civilisation in the various regions of the world was, and is, a complex process which has attracted the attention of many...
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Arsène Lupin si pencuri budiman adalah seorang yang penuh dengan kejutan. Caranya berfikir dan bertindak sentiasa menjadi tanda tanya, malah ada yang...
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The author, a practising Muslim and experienced psychotherapist, professor of psychology for several years and an established authority in the field, takes...

Minimum quantity for "The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists" is 1.

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Psychology, with all its by-products and off shoots, has assumed in the West the status of religion, and for many people has replaced it. As in other areas...

Minimum quantity for "The Dilemma Of Muslim Psychologists Malik Badri" is 1.

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This book deals with the philosophical framework of Shaykh Muhammad 'Abduh's educational thought, which is reflection of concrete situations of 19th...
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Drawing upon years of unparalleled experience in diplomacy and government, Azzam, the first secretary-general of the Arab League in 1945-1952, examines the...
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Minimum quantity for "The Eternal Message of Muhammad" is 1.

This book is a collection of one hundred and ninety rulings on different issues including, but are not restricted to, purification, prayer, contracts,...
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Hayy ibn Yaqzan  is the only extant work of Ibn Tufail today. It is a short philosophical romance, but so great has been its influence on the...
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Minimum quantity for "The History of Hayy Ibn Yaqzan" is 1.

Hyun Ji, seorang ibu tunggal enggan berhenti mencari anaknya, Yerin yang hilang sejak tiga tahun lalu. Pencariannya berakhir apabila mayat Yerin...
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Sang Halimunan, dia tiba di Iping di penghujung musim dingin, dengan perancangan melakukan penyelidikan bagi mengembalikan tubuhnya yang tidak lagi...
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Not very long ago, a small but thriving community of Jews called the island of Penang their home. With a presence spanning across two centuries, this...
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Be proud, because Malacca is the highlight of the civilization of the nation. Read the great secrets about the richest port of Malacca in the past. Malacca...
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