Malaysian History

Not very long ago, a small but thriving community of Jews called the island of Penang their home. With a presence spanning across two centuries, this...
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Malay Kingship in Kedah: Religion, Trade, and Society probes and examines traditional sources of royal power and control, as well as indigenous...
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Buku kecil ini ialah mengenai satu perkara yang besar – Raja-raja Melayu. Terdapat sembilan orang Raja, terdiri daripada tujuh Sultan, seorang Raja dan...
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Batu Bersurat Terengganu telahpun diterima sebagai salah sebuah artifak tertua yang boleh membuktikan kehadiran Islam di Malaysia dan secara amnya juga di...
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This is a study of the Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM), the first Malay political party, established in 1938 and led by Ibrahim Yaacob. KMM is often regarded as...
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Santhiram’s critique of history education in Malaysia’s school system, past and present is both valuable and timely. His study reaffirms that history’s...
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Sekalipun sering dianggap sebagai karya pertama sastera klasik Melayu oleh kaum sarjana yang meminati ilmu pengajian Melayu, dan tela’ah demi tela’ah...
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Terdapat suatu rasa yang tidak pasti apabila memperkatan tentang ‘orang Melayu’. Konotasinya pelbagai rencam – daripada dunia lanun Joseph Conrad yang...
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This book presents a brief people’s history of Malaysia (formerly Malaya). Its approach is different from that which is often regarded as Official History...
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Be proud, because Malacca is the highlight of the civilization of the nation. Read the great secrets about the richest port of Malacca in the past. Malacca...
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“Terdapat hampir 20,000 manuskrip Melayu bertebaran di seluruh dunia terutama di Eropah tetapi hanya 5% sahaja yang dikaji” – Prof Uli Kozok, Universiti...
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Ilmu kebal Memang ada orang yang mengamalkan ilmu kebal. Panglima-panglima Melayu pada masa dahulu diceritakan memang ada ilmu kebal. Tetapi apa yang...
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